Contoh Soal Ulangan Bahasa Inggris Tengah Semester Kelas 3 SD
TAHUN AJARAN 2009 / 2010
Pelajaran : Bahasa
Inggris Hari/Tanggal : Jumat
/ 16 Oktober 2009
: III (Tiga) Waktu
: 07.30 – 09.00 (90 menit)
I. Berilah
tanda silang (x) pada salah satu huruf a, b, atau c pada jawaban yang paling
benar !
1. A : ”What is an eye for ?”
B :
Eye is for ….”
a. seeing
b. hearing
c. smeeling
2. We use our ….
For hearing
a. nose
b. arms
c. ears
3. We use our …. for running
a. toes
b. calves
c. feet
4. A : “What is that ?”
B : “That is a ….”
a. shoulder
b. chest
c. finger
5. Look Lisa’s … is long
and beautiful
a. hair
b. hand
c. leg
6. We taste the food using our ….
a. tongue
b. nose
c. ear
7. Rany has a strong ….
a. neck
b. mouth
c. arm
8. A ……is like a big cat
a. tiger
b. cow
c. pigeon
9. That …. has a long neck
a. snake
b. giraffe
c. crocodile
10. This is a….
a. swan
b. cat
c. dog
11. A : “What animal is that ?”
B : “That is a ….”
a. Rabbit
b. Cat
c. Cow
12. A ……… is very strong
a. Bison
b. Rhinoceros
c. Wild buffalo
13. A ……… like to eat
a. cow
b. sheep
c. rabbit
14. A. …….. is the biggest
animal on
the earth
a. elephant
b. lion
c. monkey
15. Nina has a ……
a. crab
b. pigeon
c. fish
II. Isilah
titik-titik di bawah ini !
1. A
: “Is that your mouth ?”
: “No, it is not. That is my …
2. A
: “Is that shoulder ?”
B : “No,
it is not. That is …..”
3. We
have two hands
are for ….
4. A……........eats
5. A
…………... eats salty fish
III. Lengkapilah dialog-dialog berikut !
Fika :
“Is it an ……….?
Tuti :
“Yes, it”
Fika :
“What is it for ?”
Tuti :
“It is for hearing”
Vita : ”Do you have a pet”?
Danang : “Yes I do”
Vita :
“What pet do you have” ?
Danang : ”I have a….”
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