Contoh Soal Ulangan Umum Semester 1 Kelas V (Lima )
Bahasa Inggris

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Ingris Hari / Tanggal :
Kelas : V (Lima)
: 07.30 – 09.00 WIB
I. Choose and cross the
right answer a, b, c, or d
1 It is a ….
a. picture
b. sandals
c. fan
d. pillow
2. It is a ….
a. sandals
b. picture
c. bolster
d. fan
3. Thye fan is …. The table
a. on c. above
b. in d. between
4. The pillow is …. the bolster
a. on c. above
b. in d. between
5. Riana is …. the tea (menuangkan)
a. take c. pour
b. cook d. chop
6. Daddy is …. (memasak) the noodle
a. taking c. pour
b. cooking d. chopping
7. A : Can you …. (mengaduk) the coffee ?
B : of course mom
a. stir c. pour
b. chop d. cook
8. A : Can you … the sup, please ? (memasak)
B : Sure
a. serve c. pour
b. stir d. cook
9. The … (toko roti) is after the first
a. museum c. restaurant
b. town square d. bank
10. Let’s go stright
ahead ! We’ll go to the …. (museum)
a. museum c. supermarket
b. bank d. book story
11. Let’s turn left !
We’ll go to …. (terminal bus)
a. bank c. supermarket
b. museum d. Police office
12. If you feel sick (sakit), so you must go to ….
a. bank c. hospital
b. market d. post office
13. Where is the postman work?
a. bank c. hospital
b. market d. post office
14. Richie’s father is a teacher,
He work in the
a. bank c. school
b. post office d. hospital
15. He is a police. He work in the ….
a. post office c. school
b. police office d. hospital
II. Look the map, then re write the story !
This is a (1) …. (kota baru)
There are (2) …. Bank in
the town
They are City Bank and
(3) ….
The bank are in the (4)
There is also a (5) …..
in the
The museum is (6) …..
the two banks
A hospital and a bakery
are in (7) ….
A hospital is opposite
the (8) ….
A Padang restaurant is (9) …. To the bakery
In Melati Street, there is another restaurant
It is (10) …..
III. Read the text then answer the question !
Helping in the kitchen
This is Sunday. Mummy, Daddy, Rachel,
and I are in holiday. We will cook a special
breakfast today. We are all helping in the kitchen
Mummy is cooking the rice, Daddy is chopping
the onions. My sister, Rachel, is also helping in
the kitchen. She is draining the noodle. I’am
cracking the eggs. My brother is beating the eggs. We are all happy We
are working together.
It is so much fun.
1. What is mother cook ?
2. What is father’s chopp ?
3. What is Rachel do ?
4. Where is the activity ?
5. What will the cook ?
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